• Workman Toft posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago

    Hades Hidden Aspects Wiki

    Hades, the god of the night, is known for his powers of darkness. He is also known Hidden wiki link
    for his various hidden aspects. This article will discuss these aspects.
    Eternal Spear

    In order to get the Eternal Spear, players must first unlock the hidden Aspects of its four weapons. You must first unlock the aforementioned “miracle of the sword” and the “scythe of the dragon” before you can unlock the rest of the Aspects.

    The first weapon is the Stygian Blade. It has a special move called the Sniper Shot that boosts damage by 200%.

    Another weapon is the Hera Bow. This weapon has an Aspect called Extending Jab, which increases damage by 40% on distant enemies.

    The Zagreus Bow is another solid weapon, but you’ll want to wait for the right dialogue to unlock it. When you do, you’ll find a nice little combo.

    There’s also the Igneus Eden, which adds 30 points of damage to each strike. But this upgrade is inflexible.

    Finally, there’s the Zeus Shield. This is a powerful boost to your Zeus attacks.

    The Igneus also has a unique move, called the Hellfire. It has a range of 400 meters and deals 50 to 100 damage.

    For some reason, you need to be close to the target in order to attack them. As a result, you’ll want to invest in a weapon with a high enough level of Strength to hit them.

    If you’re looking for a more effective build, you’ll need to experiment with different combinations. Some are better than others, so you might want to use the random number generator to try out different combinations.

    There are many other great weapons to choose from, but you’ll need to spend a lot of time playing before you get them. Fortunately, the game has a great narrative, and there’s enough action to keep you entertained.
    Adamant Rail

    One of the most enjoyable aspects of playing Hades is the number of tiers of upgrades available to you. Each weapon is assigned a unique “aspect” or “upgrade” which can change the game in ways you never thought possible. The best way to approach this is to take your time, try out all of them and see what works best. This will make you a happier, less stressed out player!

    In addition to the “Aspect of Chaos” mentioned above, you can also use the aforementioned Igneus Eden upgrade. While not the most efficient build, it’s worth the investment for its aforementioned unique moveset.

    Another noteworthy achievement is the Infinity Chamber, the holy grail of weapon upgrades. This allows you to fire infinite rounds with no cheats.

    It’s important to note that you’ll only have access to the three best weapon aspects until you’ve unlocked them all. To get there, you’ll have to make the most of your lucky dip. That’s a tall order, but a rewarding one. After the requisite unlocking, you’ll have two new weapons to choose from. Depending on the churn of the random number generator, you might want to experiment with different combinations.

    Finally, the most awe inspiring weapon is the Chiron Bow. When equipped with the right upgrade, it is the most powerful ranged weapon in the game. You should have no trouble dealing with distant foes.

    For the record, the Zagreus Fists ain’t a bad weapon. They’re also cheap and are pretty solid by default. However, you should really invest in the higher tier upgrades if you want to get the most out of them.

    Using the proper combination of upgrades is a great way to see the most of Hades. Take the time to experiment with your build and see what combinations work best for you.
    Heart-Shaped Bow

    The Heart-Shaped Bow is a good weapon to use in Hades. There are a lot of ways to scale up its power. In this guide we’ll take a look at how to unlock its hidden aspects, as well as its special moves.

    When the Heart-Shaped Bow is first unlocked, it’s a strong attack. It can easily kill multiple enemies in a row and can even tag them. However, it has a weak special. So if you’re looking for an effective combo, you’ll need to play around with some different aspects.

    Aspect of Artemis is the best for crits and attack boosts. She can also use Backstabs and Heavy Knuckles. If you’re looking for a more aggressive attack, try putting her on the dash. You can get the Heart Rend and Unhealthy Fixation aspects unlocked with her on the dash.

    Aspect of Aphrodite is another solid option for attacks. She can reduce damage and help with defense. Putting her on the dash can be useful if you’re looking to clear the game fast. Ares is a great option too.

    Zeus is another good choice for this build. His Legendary is a good source of damage boosts and can also help with the Zeus Shield. He can also be used with the double strike move to boost his attacks.

    Zeus’s legendary is also a good source of crit enhancements. You can use the Hunter Dash to get more out of his dash. But, you need to wait for his dialogue to finish before you can use the weapon.

    Zagreus Bow is another good choice, especially for the first level. It’s cheap and can be very strong.

    While the other gods don’t have many goodies on their weapons, they do bring their own. For example, Aphrodite and Ares can be used together to create an excellent hangover weapon.
    Shield of Chaos

    When you first begin your Hades adventure, you’ll have to face the dark god of the underworld. There’s a lot of action, and it’s a great story. Eventually, you’ll want to tug the strings in your favor. That’s where the Hidden Aspects come in. They’re hidden behind Chthonic Keys. The key is to unlock them before you use them.

    First, you’ll need to unlock the four basic weapon types. Each has a unique moveset. Depending on what upgrades you have, each weapon can be powerful. Those that focus on dashing-strikes will have the best damage potential.

    If you’re looking for a cheap weapon, the Zagreus Bow is a good choice. You can upgrade its damage output by 200% with a Sniper Shot upgrade. This upgrade works well with other global damage boosts like Wave Pounding or Breaking Wave.

    Another solid choice is the Zagreus Fists. These weapons have a solid hitbox, and you can also add the Aspect of Poseidon for damage reduction and knockback.

    Alternatively, you can use the Spear of Hades to deal with distant targets. The attack’s spin radius is massive, and it can last for up to 10 seconds.

    Finally, you can make use of the Zeus Shield to boost your attacks. The Extending Jab upgrade will add 40% to your damage when your distance from the target increases.

    The Igneus Eden upgrade is a nuisance, especially in close range combat. It performs a dash-strike that can be useful for hitting multiple targets. However, it’s inflexible.

    To get the rest of the hidden aspects, you need to unlock the other Infernal weapons and then speak with Zagreus. He’ll give you a magic word to reveal them.
    Celestial Sharanga

    The Celestial Sharanga is a well-designed piece of kit that provides a useful stat cap, not to mention a few amusing quirks. It may be one of the more interesting weapons in the game, and is certainly a contender for the best spear of all time.

    For a player new to the Hades series, the sandbox’s assortment of weapon types can be overwhelming. However, with a little guidance and a little patience, you’ll be back on the sands in no time. In addition to the obvious weapons, the game also provides a good number of trinkets, boons, and hidden achievements. These all-stars are great for boosting your skill level and increasing your weapon’s max health.

    Aside from the aforementioned relic, the best way to get the most bang for your buck is to invest in the game’s currency, Titan Blood. You can obtain this by defeating the Fury sisters or trading with the Wretched Broker. This rewards you with a plethora of goodies, including the most expensive of all, the evergreen obelust.

    Of course, not all builds are created equal. Some are built to maximize specific weapon aspects while others are constructed as a result of player choices. If you’re into a bit of competitive combat or a little bit of the heist, you’re sure to find something that suits you. With a little help, you’ll be in the hunt for the top spot before you know it. Thankfully, Supergiant Games has got your back. From its stellar tutorials to its nifty guides, it’s an experience you’re sure to cherish. And hey, if you find yourself wishing, there’s always the option of a game-changer. Whether you’re a swashbuckling warrior or a hardy hack slash, Hades’s got you covered.