• Svenstrup Melchiorsen posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago

    A couple’s massage can be a wonderful way to celebrate special occasions like Valentine’s Day, or it can be a regular part of your relaxing routine. Here are some suggestions that will assist you in preparing for your scheduled appointment.

    Pick the right date and time.

    Asian Massage is not advisable to schedule your swedish massage, if you have other activities or are already extremely busy. A day that began with an iced tea or coffee in bed, a peaceful nature walk or a book in a comfortable chair helps you relax in the mood before the massage. It is possible to schedule your massage in conjunction with other activities , if having a relaxing schedule is not possible. Nobody wants to shop for groceries or get the lawn mowed after a peaceful massage.

    Clean Up!

    A massage therapist will be applying their hands to your body. Do yourself the favor of making sure that you go into your massage as clean and well groomed as you can. Make sure you shower prior to when you head to the spa or take advantage of spa amenities such as a shower or steam room. No need to wear makeup or fix your hair, massage oils on your scalp and face. the head and neck massage. will ruin the perfect hairstyle or smudge makeup so save the styling for later.

    Choose your Food Carefully

    For you to fully enjoy your couples massage experience, it is best not to indulge in the entire meal or drink drinks prior to. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or bloated and bloated, it can be difficult to lie on your stomach and get massages on your legs or back. If you are having an evening or late afternoon massage, stay away from eating fried food and heavy sauces. The excessive amount of caffeine can keep you from fully relaxing in your massage. It is possible to feel satisfied, but not full, by having a salad and drinking a glass of water with lemon. While a glass of champagne or wine is often part of a couples-massage package don’t overindulge because alcohol can interfere with the experience of a massage.

    Switch off your Gadgets!

    A swedish massage, is the perfect time to relax, unwind and establish a connection with your spouse. Stressful work emails, text messages from your friends, and cell phone games are not conducive to relaxing. Brightly lit screens activate the brain and keep your attention from the sensations of a massage. For the best experience of massage, it is best to turn off your gadgets at least one hour prior to when you go.

    Get Comfortable!

    It is crucial to do this especially if you’re making your first attempt using massage therapy. You are able to decide in advance if you’d prefer to wear underwear or take off all your clothing. It’s a personal choice but know you will be covered with blankets all the time. You can choose whether you prefer female or male massage therapist since many spas provide both. After the massage has been completed, you can speak up in case the pressure feels too soft or firm. Massage therapists want you be relaxed and happy with the experience , but you won’t know when there is something wrong if you do not make a statement.

    These tips should help you relax and prepare for intimate couple massages. Don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule yours today!