• Suarez Mahler posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Email list rental is very different from email lists buy. When you buy an email list, you take ownership of the email addresses that you choose and own the right to use them as often as you wish. However, email list rental allows you to create a consistent resource of targeted traffic to your web site. Email list rental isn’t just about a steady stream of new names; it’s also about creating a profitable business model that can last for years to come. Email list rental can be an effective and cost-effective means of creating targeted web site traffic.

    Many online marketers start out by purchasing pre-existing email list rental from an established company. This is sometimes a good idea, because you can usually buy in bulk and receive a better price than you would if you were to try to develop a brand new list from scratch. Most email list rental companies are reliable and long-standing, however there are always a few that run scams and offer less than optimal service. If you do decide to rent an email list or purchase one from a company, there are some simple things that you should watch for. It is vital that you keep the following guidelines in mind:

    Be sure that the company you are renting or buying from is licensed and reputable. List rental brokerages must submit to the Better Business Bureau to ensure that they are not involved in any current claims that have been filed against them. Also ask your potential email list rental broker about the number of sales and inquiries they have made within the past six months. Brokers that have multiple listings on different sites with high customer referrals may be more likely to provide quality services and low prices. Be sure to request copies of marketing materials from potential list brokers, as these will help you gauge their true professionalism.

    Ask each potential email list rental broker about the frequency of emails sent and received. The frequency of communications is important because it indicates how active the email marketing company is. If you receive constant emails from a marketing company, then you should probably consider looking elsewhere. If you are offered constant communications with no specified time frame, then these lists could be very high quality, however they will most likely cost you much more.

    Ask each email list rental company about the amount of traffic that they send out during any given week. Ideally, each marketing company should aim to send out at least one email per day. This will show you an understanding of their daily activities and how much work they do in order to make sure your campaign gets noticed. However, it also gives you an idea of what you should expect in the way of responses.

    Determine whether you will be charged a fee for the use of your email list rental. Some marketing companies do charge an upfront fee, but this should be avoided wherever possible. It is much better to find a reputable email marketing company that only charges after you have been assured that your email addresses are genuinely interested in receiving information from a business. Many people get several sales offers in their inbox each day, which many times do not make any sense.

    Look for a publisher who offers plenty of options in terms of the type of email list rental you can utilize. For example, some publishers have several different categories for you to choose from, such as “product leads,” “special offers” and so forth. Some marketers prefer to send their subscribers newsletters rather than solo messages, but be wary of any offers that promise you exclusive access to their “exclusive members only content” or “priority lead lists.”

    Ask each email list rental services about the number of sales they have had in the past month. This information is necessary for a variety of reasons, including ensuring that the level of email list you are renting will be high enough to generate a good amount of profit in any given month. Additionally, if you are renting from a reputable provider, this information should also be provided to you before the rental is started. This will help ensure you won’t be one of those people who finds out too late that we have a very limited customer base, resulting in little or no profit at all. Be sure to ask every question you have, and you should find renting an email list to be easier than you ever thought possible!