• Pontoppidan Klemmensen posted an update 3 years ago

    Throughout history, what is portrayed in all religions being the manifestation of prayer or miracles is in fact manifestation of our reference to the essence of our Soul and the manifestation of the energy of spiritual healing. We have heard throughout the centuries about such miracles which have happened to people, and how they changed their lives. It has carried on until now when we still hear of these ‘miracles’ in our time today. What will be the difference between a miracle that has been approved by a religion and something that has been manifested by way of a healer?

    Why is it that at this time of our time and with all the technological advancement we claim to have achieved as humans, we still approve of one particular or ‘morally acceptable’ type of miraculous healing and disregard another? So how exactly does it stand when this happens in which a particular healer belongs to a particular religion? Does
    espaço recomeçar or his manifestation become a miracle? Also using ways there is no massive difference between your power of healing and the power of prayer if we think about it. Exactly the same intention of sending healing thoughts is there, regardless of how we thought we would ‘label’ the procedure.

    There are two forms of healing, self-healing and spiritual healing. Just how much do we really understand the difference between the two? Can we refer to them to be a science? Or in such a case where science cannot explain or rationalize the manifestation itself, do we then think it is would be better to disregard it all together rather than investigating? Perhaps it is when something does not bring us much financial profit it then becomes worthless for us to investigate. Well it seems there are numerous question marks in terms of the main topic of healing and apparently with little answers.

    The way I view it when it comes to self-healing and spiritual healing, both forms are misrepresented and at the same time abused. On an individual level, on the medical level and on the government level, it seems we have been very much unaware of the real benefit that originates from it.

    Before going further into this and for a few of you who do not know or understand what I am talking about, let us identify and define both forms of healing, from my own point of view of course!

    Self-healing is the effect that a person can inflict upon themselves, with regards to a manifestation when bringing her or his state of mind, either physical, or emotional, into perfect harmony and balance with the universal flow of energies to get him or herself into ‘normal’ state of being. We all have this power within ourselves even though we do not believe it is so. This can be practiced through praying or self-inflicted healing.