• Thybo Byskov posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    As a young person I had long and luscious hair. My mother, sister and I had long, healthy, thick hair. I never had trouble growing my hair, however when I began to relax my hair, it became damaged. Nobody in my family knew how to maintain relaxed hair, and my hair began to dry, brittle, and dull. When I turned 10, my hair started to break off, which meant that it got shorter. Since the time, I’ve attempted many different tricks and tips to get my hair back to’ length of its original. In the beginning the most effective option for me was wearing hairstyles that were protected. Protective styles allowed me to increase my hair’s length without fearing that it would be damaged. Protective styles were my only option until a friend suggested hair pills to me. Over the decades, hair pills have increased in popularity. People are spreading best vitamins for hair growth increasing and more. You’ve probably heard of these, but what are they? What exactly do Biotin Supplements do and how can they help your hair truly grow? Find out more about growth pills!

    What Are Hair Growth Pills?

    The hair pills are a supplement designed to help people suffering from hair growth. The main ingredient in hair growth pills is biotin. Biotin is a part of the vitamin B family, but it also goes by the title of vitamin H. Biotin aids your body to transform different nutrients into energy. This is essential to your skin, hair and nail health. Biotin can be found in a variety of types of food items, but generally, the biotin found in our diets is sufficient. Organ meats, such as the liver, egg yolks, bananas and cauliflower are some of the richest sources of biotin. Additionally, the more raw foods that you consume, the greater amount of biotin you’ll receive. If we’re already getting enough biotin, why do we need more? Well, people are convinced that biotin can increase hair growth. In general, there aren’t any studies showcasing evidence for an increase in hair’s growth that is significant after taking hair supplements with biotin as the primary ingredient. However, some studies show that people with hair loss may benefit from using biotin. While there’s some evidence that supports the notion that biotin may increase hair growth, it’s still not conclusive. Side effects and benefits can be found in supplements for hair growth. Let’s examine the many reasons to use or not use hair growth pills.

    Consult A Physician

    Before you look into hair products like biotin, be sure to speak with your physician. A doctor will inform you if biotin will be suitable for you. Some people have adverse reactions to biotin and a doctor can help you understand the reason for this! Do not be afraid to ask lots of questions!

    Advantages Of Hair Pills

    The average hair pill is between 2500 and 5000 mg of biotin. Biotin is the ingredient that makes the hair pills so powerful. Biotin is vital for the production of energy. Biotin assists with the synthesis of fatty acids, as well as the breakdown of amino acids. Biotin is beneficial in metabolism. You will notice a difference on your nails when you use best dietary supplements. Biotin is great for your hair and nails. In some studies, they found that taking about 2.5 mg of biotin per day for about six months to a full year reduced splitting nails and improved nail thickness. Biotin is beneficial for healthy nails. For women who are nursing or pregnant, biotin is great. The time of pregnancy is an ideal one to lower the risk of birth defects that are caused by biotin deficiencies. Hair pills also contain biotin, which is known to enhance skin health. If you have dry, scaly skin then biotin may be the right supplement for you. The benefits aren’t backed by much evidence to support them. It is important to speak with a doctor before you start taking any new supplements.

    The disadvantages of taking hair pills

    Biotin offers many benefits however, everything that advantages has disadvantages as well. Our bodies don’t require much biotin. We require only a tiny amount of biotin in order to prevent the possibility of a deficiency. Hair pills contain a high amount of biotin. Even a small amount of biotin could cause a huge effect on your body. For example, doing a lab test with biotin could influence the results of certain tests. It is essential to limit your intake of biotin when testing for thyroid disorders or cardiac troponin. The intake of biotin during laboratory tests could result in mistakes in diagnosis, or the wrong diagnosis. This is not something you want to happen. Many people also claim biotin may cause them to be irritable. When taking biotin, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. Not doing so has the potential of creating breakouts of acne cysts. My friend who was prescribed hair pills that contained biotin dosage of 5000 mg said her skin had not been like it had been since. The skin was breaking out , and even after drinking plenty of water, it didn’t cease. As always, it’s essential to speak with a doctor before making any decisions on using biotin.

    All in All

    Overall, hair pills have tons of advantages, but they also come with a lot of disadvantages. Although biotin is an already part of our body but sometimes it is able to help with many things. Don’t forget that most biotin benefits do not have sufficient evidence to back up their claim of being helpful. Petiole believed that the hair-growth pills were due to media hype. The process of growing your hair takes time and no amount or pills can guarantee immediate results. Consider incorporating healthier foods into your diet , which will increase the growth. Also, test various protective styles and oils and see how those perform for you!